This is a picture of Trigger sitting on my husband's lap looking outside. When my husband is away on business I lock down the house and set the alarm, but when my husband arrives back home he opens all the windows. We were enjoying the fall breeze blowing through the house this evening.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This is a picture of Trigger sitting on my husband's lap looking outside. When my husband is away on business I lock down the house and set the alarm, but when my husband arrives back home he opens all the windows. We were enjoying the fall breeze blowing through the house this evening.
The Tyranny of the Majority!

This post has nothing to do with The Simpsons; I like this picture. Maybe Homer could marry the husband and me once Texas legalizes gay?
This post is about gay marriage...
In the comment section of a blog I read "Eric" made a comment in support of someone else that doesn't believe in gay marriage. Eric commented as follows: "Oh, I can't wait to hear the righteously indignant vitriol spew forth. She shares her views with the majority of Californians, Americans, as well as the President. Let's remember that." Grrr. Those comments still get me going. However, the next comment posted anonymously was brilliant...
Your first comment seeks to validate the majorities prejudice. Which has in fact on a number of well worn issues been proven to be insane and or immoral in the rear view mirror of history. Regardless how many view a subject a certain way. It does not justify the tyranny of a majority creating second class citizens. It is one of the reasons we have the judicial system we do, to check and balance such things. As has been proven by our own countries history on civil rights, time and time again. The tyranny of the majority had to be checked.
There is absolutely zero reasoning beyond personal distaste or religion(neither of which have any place in a secular and just country). To deny equal, not special or different, just equal, rights to all.
Marriage provides many protections and benefits due to government laws and recognitions. As the government views marriage. Which has nothing to do with how a church views marriage. Nor would any church be affected in any way in that manner.
Our secular government is denying full rights to people who pay all the same taxes you and every other straight person does. They work and grow their communities the same. They are however not allowed to enjoy the full benefits provided by their secular government. Because they love someone of the same sex. That is wrong.
It is not the right of a majority to oppress a minority, who has no impact on their lives. Beyond they simply disagree with who the minority is and would prefer they be allowed to legally discriminate against that minority and treat them as less of a citizen of this country. Those people who think they do have such a right, are on the wrong side of history. Just as those who thought slavery was fine, as a majority once did. Just as those who thought interracial marriage and the children it bore an abomination (one of those children sits in the white house)were once a majority. They were wrong. The people who impose their views and fears on the lives of others, to limit a minorities rights are wrong. And you for your original comment seeking to justify and your follow up, seeking to side step, are wrong.
Georgia, Oh Georgia!

Monday, September 27, 2010
Bishop Long makes me roll my eyes.

I do feel sorry for any individual that is publicly humiliated. Long turned a 300 member church into a 25,000 member church, which means his public humiliation is on a tremendous scale.
This puts us, once again, in a familiar situation: a prominent anti-gay individual appears to have had gay sexual encounters. It's an annoying situation. This hurts the entire gay community when our enemies seem to have homosexual tendencies...our enemy is one of us?!
Think of this, while Bishop Long was preaching to his 25,000 member church that marriage is between one man and one woman he's (allegedly) seducing young men? Ridiculous. Of course he clearly considers his own marriage such a sacred institution that must be protected from gays, but he doesn't seem to have issues with his own marital infidelity? This annoys me. This really annoys me.
Habitat for Humanity
Fountain of Youth
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hot Football Weekend
Since the 'Horns next game is in Dallas, I will take it as a good omen that a cool front welcomed us back home today. We have the windows up and the cool breeze is blowing through the house.
A Very Happy Hour
Happy Birthday Dooley
Happy Birthday Dooley!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tumble outta bed and stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawnin, stretchin, try to come to life
Wall Mounted TV
Jon & Stephen

Also, I agree with Jon Stewart that 80% of the population is reasonable and sane, but we're controlled by the insane 20% of the population. We have a silent majority in our culture.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Richard MacDonald

Justice Scalia

The U.S. Constitution does not outlaw sex discrimination or discrimination based on sexual orientation, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia told a law school audience in San Francisco on Friday.
Didn't our Founding Fathers first draft a Declaration of Independence which clearly stated "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"? What about the ninth amendment in the U.S. Constitution that declares that the listing of individual rights in the Constitution and Bill of Rights is not meant to be comprehensive; and that the other rights not specifically mentioned are retained by the people?
I am not a fan of Justice Scalia especially since he compared gay sex to incest, prostitution, and bestiality. (Seriously, go read his dissenting opinion of Lawrence vs. Texas.) The good news is that I'm 30-years-old and he's 74-years-old, which means he'll dead and gone way before I'll be dead and gone...and hopefully the next justice will be less arrogant and self-righteous....
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cultural Cliche

Previously I reported that we had the best weekend with Cousin Kate, her husband and her two children. I did not disclose previously that on Saturday night from 5:00 PM until about 1:00 AM the care and protection of Cousin Kate's two children (a six-year-old and a one-year-old) was our responsibility. We were the childless couple caring for a couple of kids, and at the end of the night I felt overwhelmed and amazed. I was overwhelmed at how much work it takes to care for two children, and I was amazed at how Kate and her husband care for two children every day. (We only had to do it for a few hours.)
It is insanely easy to take care of her well behaved intelligent children, in theory.
Kate and her husband left our house at 5:00 PM to attend the Yankees game. The one-year-old was in bed asleep by 7:00 PM, and the six-year-old was in bed asleep by 9:00 PM (Cousin Kate read: 8:30 PM). Plus, we had reinforcements with the help from my husband's mother until 9:00 PM. This should have been easy breezy. However, I was worried the entire time: Are they getting enough to eat at meal time? Does the one-year-old ever slow down? Are they getting clean enough at bath time? Is the one-year-old's diaper on tight enough? What if it leaks at night? Are they having fun? Are we giving them both sufficient amounts of attention? What Would Cousin Kate Do? What if we can't hear them wake up in the middle of the night? What if the one-year-old crawls out of his crib and escapes from our house? What if, what if, what if....
So we were the culture cliche: a childless married couple cares for two young children and at least one member of the childless couple feels overwhelmed. How do they do this every day? How does my brother and his wife do this with Presley and Paxten? How did my parents do this? I have my masters degree and this is not easy for me. I'm scared.
Of course, this is why life is better in twos. My husband was relaxed and engaged the whole time. He's going to make a great father, and I well...I'll have to calm down and figure it out.
You Lost Me

Dog Days Are Over

Dog Days Are Over
(Written By Isa Summers and Florence Welch)
Happiness, hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back
She hid around corners and she hid under beds
She killed it with kisses and from it she fled
With every bubble she sank with a drink
and washed it away down the kitchen sink
The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming so you better run
Run fast for your mother run fast for your father
Run for your children and your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your loving behind you
Can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over
the dog days are done
Can’t you hear the horses
Cuz here they come
And I never wanted anything from you
Except everything you had
and what was left after that too. oh.
Happiness it hurt like a bullet in the mind
Struck from a great height
by someone who should know better than that
The dog days are over
The dog days are gone
can you hear the horses
Cuz here they come
Run fast for your mother and fast for your father
Run for your children for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your loving behind you
Can’t carry it with you if you want to survive
The dog days are over
The dog days are gone
Can you hear the horses because here they come
The dog days are over
The dog days are gone
Can you hear the horses because here they come
Monday, September 13, 2010
Viva Martha Fauker!

Since that conversation I've stopped calculating Martha Fauker's age.
My husband is starting to coach me through the reality that Martha Fauker will not live forever. I think it's sweet that he's trying to prepare me. He turned to me over the weekend and said in the gentlest voice possible: "You know Martha isn't looking so good..."
I can tell he's trying to check-in with me to see how delusional my thinking: Martha is a pretty-pretty princess and she's going to live forever! it what I like to say when she shows signs of her age. She can't hear very well. She can't always hold her bladder all night, and she no longer wakes me up to take her outside. She likes to sleep in her bed all day long. I understand that she is an elderly dog, but she's not on her death bed. She is my pretty-pretty princess and she's going to live forever! Viva Martha Fauker.
My Lakewood Dream House

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Lady Gaga at the VMA's!!!!

Nominated for 13 Music Video Awards, Lady Gaga has decided to make a statement in support of gay rights at MTV's Sunday evening show.
Her chaperones? A group of service members affected by "don't ask, don't tell," sources have confirmed to The Advocate.
UPDATE: The four service members on the white carpet with Lady Gaga were identified as Katie Miller, described on Servicemembers Legal Defense Network's website as "a top West Point cadet who resigned in August to protest the discriminatory law"; Maj. Mike Almy, an Air Force officer who was discharged in 2006 and who testified in the federal challenge to "don't ask, don't tell"; David Hall, a former U.S. Air Force Staff Sargeant; and Stacy Vasquez, Army Sergeant, First Class, who was also discharged as a result of DADT.Lady Gaga’s decision to attend the VMAs at Nokia Theater in Los Angeles with gay service members in tow isn’t the first time she’s taken a stand in support of repealing DADT. Prior to her concert in Washington, D.C. last week, the subversive siren met with clients of SLDN, an advocacy group that works with soldiers facing discharge from the military as a result of the 1993 law. Gaga was also a high-profile speaker at last year’s National Equality March in Washington.
Though a federal judge in California last week ruled that DADT violates the First Amendment and due process rights of gay soldiers, pressure for the U.S. Senate to repeal the law remains immense as lawmakers return from recess on Monday.
Failure to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (of which of DADT repeal is a part) before Congress recesses again on October 8 for the upcoming midterm elections could put repeal in jeopardy
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

This book did not disappoint. It's a thriller, it's a page turner, its characters are as real as the people in my life, and I couldn't help but wonder what-will-happen-next! Stieg Larsson was an excellent writer.
However, I will not continue reading this series. The story was too dark and too disturbing for me to handle with ease. I stayed up until three o'clock in the morning Wednesday night to finish this book, and I was so distraught that I called in sick to work the next day. You should read it to see what you think...
Balanced Budget and Budget Surplus
Currently we're digging ourselves out of the great recession, which makes balancing the budget tricky, but I hope Obama is a two term President and I also hope he'll pass off a budget surpluses (like Clinton) to his successor...
Dallas World Aquarium
New TV!
This is a a profile picture of our new television and our old television. We've finally joined the modern world with our newly purchased 55-inch Samsung LED 3D T.V. We bought it from Costco on Thursday night, and the beautiful Latin lady (with big boobies) that was checking us out exclaimed that we were buying the television just in time for the game. My husband turns to me and whispers: "What game?" So no, we did not watch the NFL game on Thursday night with our amazing television.
It's like we're seeing for the first time the picture is such a significant improvement from our 1995 tube television. Why didn't we do this sooner?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Little Rock Weekend
It was a nice way to end summer 2010. Happy Labor Day!