Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sleeping Boy 1961

Izabella Godlewska de Aranda's 1961 painting titled Sleeping Boy is brilliant.  As an art lover without an art budget I'm so grateful to be living in 2015!  Technology exists where it doesn't cost very much to have a painting printed on canvas - it makes art affordable and accessible to all.  Plus, I hope it gives the artists a little more income?

I was inspired by this photo, on Design Sponge from a Brisbane home:

I couldn't stop thinking about the painting, which I thought was an original.  I researched the artist and pow pow - just like that (magic?) I discovered I could bring home a print all my own.  Hooray for living in 2015.

This weekend my husband was sweet enough to hang the print for me.  It's high in the upstairs common room. 

I am a lucky man.

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