Sunday, June 9, 2013

Out of Tune

I'm not happy with the speed at which life is happening right now.  Zoom goes the days, weeks, and months.  The symphony of my life is out of tune.  I love my job, but I don't like the crazy hours.  Crazy hours.  I love that my husband is getting his MBA, but I don't like that we're apart all the time.  All the time.  It's taking a great deal of energy just to work and keep our household on track.  We have a house keeper, yard people, and my firm provides a concierge service for my use.  I still can't get it all accomplished.  Is this my life?  I want to work less and spend more time with my family and friends but my days vanish...

I'm going to blink and 2013 will be over.

I try to focus on the positives.

I have so many positive elements in my life.

My life is just whopper-jawed right now...but I'm holding steady until my husband completes his MBA.

Maybe I need a better conductor? Oh, wait...I AM the conductor of my own life.


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