Sunday, July 14, 2013


Our plants have a bit of growing to do, but I think everything turned out nicely. Our neighbors have been very complimentary of the blue fountain we added to the front.  The sound of water is always soothing.  The large blue fountain is a bit phallic, I know, but that just seems appropriate, right?

You'll see the large empty blue pot, which I plan to plant with annuals at some point in the future.   I pulled the blue vintage metal chair from my stash of vintage chairs to balance out the front and to give us a place to sit.  (Yes, I have a stash of vintage metal chairs.) Landscaping really sets the tone of a house, and I like the pops of blue the fountain, vintage chair, and pot add to the front.  It's preparing our visitors for the sensational blues we have running through the inside of our home.

My goal was to create an all white garden, but I ended up with a buttery white garden.  All the whites have yellow tones.  It's the best I could do.

For the record here's what we added:
  • 6 popcorn drift roses
  • 3 yellow yuccas
  • 3 large boulders
  • 3 perennial white hibiscus (my mother always grew these when I was growing up; her blooms were as big as dinner plates)
  • 1 Contorted Filbert (I've already decided this is too exotic for us, and we'll be lucky if it survives a year- it was nice knowing you Mr. Filbert)
  • 1 pallet of river rocks
  • 1 fountain
  • 1 pretty blue pot ( be continued)
  • 1 vintage blue chair
  • 2 relocated cast iron plants from the back to the front
We live on a street with alleys and rear entry garages (ha ha, I said 'rear entry'); in the past we didn't spend much time in our front yard, but this landscaping is going to put us in the front more often...we might even make friends with our neighbors.  Anything's possible. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!..... And my pink hibiscus has been beautiful this year - lots of blooms. I just wish the blooms lasted longer!
    The fountain is my favorite!
