My husband's parents are the hub for both sides of their family. They hosted over 24 people and 4 dogs for Thanksgiving. With all the family in town we feel very fortunate to claim Bill's inside workshop as our bedroom during the holidays- our first year together we were assigned an air mattress in the entry hall of their home- the workshop is an upgrade. The workshop is quiet, it's private, and it gives us a place to corral our dogs (read: beast).
However, my husband's parents always set up the air mattress in the workshop under the wall-o-tools. I am not quiet sure what signal they are sending when they place our heads under the hatchets, hammers, screwdrivers, saws, and crowbar that dangle from peg board?! My husband's family seem to have invented the term "raise the roof" when they get together and play games; I'm just worried the wall-o-tools will fall on my head at night when everyone gets rowdy. It could happen.
This year we moved the air mattress under Bill's work bench- away from the death trap.
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