We're seriously talking about babies in our house. And by "seriously" I mean that babies are in our five year plan. According to our research, in the United States of America surrogacy cost anywhere between $75K to $100K. (Surrogacy is defined as our sperm, an egg from one female, and the womb of another female.) Also according to our research, adopting an infant in Texas will cost us anywhere from $20K to $30K and that's only if we're ever picked by a birth mother. The third option on our radar is traveling to India and doing surrogacy over there, which cost around $25K. (Read this article about Indian surrogacy if you're interested.)
We are not wealthy men. We are two well educated working professionals. It's not like we have an extra $100K in our bank account; however, with proper planning we could spend the $25K required to bring home a baby from India. I'm worried about exploiting the poor Indian population; however, the agencies tell us the $8K the Indian women get paid to carry the baby is a life-changing amount of money.
We're still talking about all the risks involved with each option because we're on the very beginning of the baby process...
What if we just give you one of ours?